Recreational Tourism as a Mean of Reducing Stress in the Community - A Case Study of Alcef Riviera Amusement Park Mile 4 -Bonadikombo, Limbe Cameroon

Author Details

Evaristus Nyong Abam

Journal Details


Published: 15 December 2019 | Article Type :


Some stress is normal and even useful, it can be helpful if you need to work hard or react quickly as it can help you win a race or finish an important job on time but if stress happens too often or lasts too long, it can have bad effects. Excessive job stress can be damaging to your mental health and stress can also be a trigger for someone with depression or anxiety and may cause an existing condition to worsen. With all of this it’s not just your health that can suffer it can as well as affect your relationships and life outside work thus stress can increase your risk of injury, fatigue and be exhausted. It should also be noted that with busy schedules, it’s easy to become overwhelmed with work and not find time for anything else thus the trick is trying to achieve a balance that promotes your overall health and the success of your career or business and this more often recreational activities could just do the magic. Employers should therefore try to provide a stress-free work environment and they should also try to recognise where stress is becoming a problem for staff and therefore take action to reduce stress. ALCEF Riviera amusement park, a private initiative is an ideal location to shake off work stress and share priceless moments with loved ones and as a recreational park its programs provide organized, structured and enjoyable activities for all ages. Swimming at the ALCEF Riviera Amusement Park in a hot town like Limbe, has always been a corrective fun activity.

Keywords: amusement park, stress, recreation.

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How to Cite


Evaristus Nyong Abam. (2019-12-15). "Recreational Tourism as a Mean of Reducing Stress in the Community - A Case Study of Alcef Riviera Amusement Park Mile 4 -Bonadikombo, Limbe Cameroon." *Volume 1*, 4, 20-23